Monday, July 5, 2010

Swimming laps

This morning I did an almost carbon copy workout of yesterday.  I walked 3.61 miles in 51:21.  The 5K was 43:21 and my miles were 15:11, 13:20, and 13:49.

After lunch, we went to the pool and I did a second workout.  I swam laps.  Wow.  I haven't done any swimming since last summer - pre-cancer and pre-surgeries.  I used to have much more upper body strength than most women, especially for my age.  After the surgeries and reconstruction process which restricted me from lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk for 7 months, well . . . I'm a weakling.  I used to swim just a couple of times a year and I could still jump in and swim a mile anytime I felt like it.  I wasn't fast, but I could switch strokes when muscles became tired and I could just go and go. 

Today swimming 500 meters was tough.  I will be sore tomorrow, too I'm sure.  Breaststroke was particularly difficult.  The first 100 was okay.  Then I did a 100 of freestyle and started breaststroke again after the turn.  I only got about 25 meters when I realized my pecs were not happy about it.  I finished that 50 (I was swimming long course) and then did backstroke on the way back.  I found backstroke wasn't too easy either.  Overall, I ended up doing 75 meters of breast, 50 of back, and the rest was freestyle.

So today I learned I can swim, which is great news.  Of course, I can't swim like I did pre-cancer, but that is to be expected.  I need to work on the following:
Backstroke: arm/shoulder/pec flexibility
Breaststroke: pec strength and endurance
Freestyle: tricep strength and endurance

I didn't even try the butterfly.  I couldn't do it well before the surgeries and I'm fine with giving up that stroke for life. 

Day 38 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: hard boiled egg and a shot of skim milk
Lunch: romaine and spinach salad with cucumbers, rib eye steak, black beans, and a dressing of sour cream and salsa
Snack: smoothie with whey protein, sugar-free chocolate flavor, skim milk, and ice after swimming; later also had some soy nuts
Dinner: grilled chicken and grilled veggies (green, red, and yellow peppers, mushrooms, onions, and zucchini)
Drinks: water, iced tea

Tomorrow I'll officially be able to run - 6 weeks post-surgery. Also, I'm cleared to begin lifting weights and  things heavier than a gallon of milk.  I'm considering how I'll build up some upper body strength safely.  The James Cancer Center programming group doesn't have a class related to weight training. Maybe I'll talk with my plastic surgery group to see if they can refer me to a physical therapist or personal trainer with experience related to rehab. If anyone has advice on this, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. I ran then swam this problem was no food/fluid until after both and it was 95 degrees for the run. Congrats on getting to running day...... May want to reconsider giving up butterfly, its a great bargain, after all...."butterflies are free". Glad to hear you doing so well. Happy summer and vaca.
