Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sore and slow

I was a little sore today from the weight workout yesterday.  It wasn't annoying enough to warrant taking ibuprofen or anything like that.  However, I REALLY noticed it when I tried to play a little volleyball and softball/baseball catch with the kids and Ken tonight.  Owwww!  I loosened up eventually, but my throwing arm tired very early and my right pec was especially sore and tired. 

My finger swelled quite a bit while we were outside playing tonight, too.  I didn't have it wrapped.  It was 87 degrees and sunny.  I guess my finger dislikes the heat as much as the rest of me.  The lymphedema is always worse when it's hot.

I seriously thought about not walking/running tonight after playing ball with the family.  When we came in it was dusk and still 83 degrees.  However, I downloaded the newest Steverunner Intervals and Phedippidations episodes (Where are you Geek Girl Runner?  I miss you!) and set out for an abbreviated version of cardio exercise. 

I decided to go easy on myself tonight and did a 2/1 run/walk ratio.  I started with a slow 2 minute run and then a 1 minute walk and repeated the pattern until I hit the 5K mark. My miles were 12:11, 11:26, and 11:58.  The 5K was 36:23 and afterward I walked .36 trying to cool down, but not succeeding in that endeavor.  It was 81 degrees when I got back after 45 minutes in the humidity.  I looked like I went swimming instead of running.  Shiny and dripping.  Lovely.

I'm glad I got out there and exercised, though.  Now I need to stretch and cool down and shower.  Whew!

When I went out to run, I wrapped just my finger in a stretchy wrap to give it tighter support than the big wrap provides.  The rest of my hand wasn't swollen, so I hoped the targeted coverage would be enough.  It was.  The rest of my hand didn't swell and the finger went down quite a bit when I just checked it. 

Day 48 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: scrambled eggs (less than 2) and a V8
Snack: soy nuts
Lunch: cold cuts at a work retreat, along with lettuce, cheese, and a little red onion
Snack: a small piece of salami
Dinner: hamburger with no bun, added cheese and black bean salsa
Drinks: water, 2 mugs of black tea, 1/2 a Diet Coke

Hey, if you've got a minute and a Facebook account, go out and vote for Steverunner's essay at

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