Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We're back from Nebraska and tired.  I didn't sleep well in the hotel room - the fan was running all the time and yet I was alternating between hot and cold.  We were at breakfast by 7:15am (6:15 Ohio time) and then off to the airport.

With all the traveling and getting ready for the week, I didn't get a walk or run in today.

Day 44 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: eggs, ham, peanut butter on a spoon
Snack: peanuts on the plane
Lunch: calzone in Chicago (Midway) - diet buster item
Snack: pretzels on the second plane - diet buster item
Dinner: cheeseburger without the bun and cauliflower
Drinks: Sprite Zero, hot tea, and water

I'm feeling really heavy and bloated and icky.  I hope it's just that I'm tired.  Although I know I gained a few pounds on vacation.  We'll see what happens with my exercise and diet as I get back in the swing of crazy life again.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Kelly.....glad the travels and vacation went well. Deep breath and back to your busy step at a time.
