Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Donut, nap, and a RUN!

The countdown turned out to as much of a countdown to the diet busting day as to running.

I ate 3 breakfasts.  Only the first one was diet-friendly.  We got up at at 6:15am to take the kids to swimming and I had a V8 and a hard boiled egg.  After swimming, at 8:15, we went downtown to the cafe and had breakfast again because we figured others would still be sleeping at home.  I had a western omelet and 1 and a half pieces of wheat toast.  Toast.  Bread.  But that wasn't worst part.  We went next door to pick up donuts to take home to the others.  I remember the Bow Bakery as the home of the most wonderful donuts in the world.  It was.  Unfortunately, they went out of business, but I wondered if maybe their recipes were being used by the new place.  So I ordered a long john and ate a quarter of it when we got home.  It was close to, but not quite the legendary long john of my youth.

Then I was way too full to run or walk, so I went down to our room to read a little.  The book wasn't great and I was sleepy and I ended up taking a 2 hour nap.  Hmmmm.  I guess I didn't have a stellar diet-friendly day.  A donut and a nap. 

I made up for it this afternoon, though.  Michelle called and we went out walking in the intense sun, seeking shade as often as possible.  We walked 3.69 miles in 1:05.  Our miles were 17:12, 18:09, and 18:18. It was hot, but it was a wonderful walk and a great time for Michelle and I to reconnect minus the husbands.  Yes, our husbands are beyond great, but it's nice to have some "us" time occasionally too.  Thanks, Michelle!

Afterward, I went to my parents' house and felt like I really needed to run . . . mostly because of the hype I created with the countdown and all.  So I ran 1 mile in the relentless sun.  If I hadn't been pressed for time and if the sun hadn't been so tough on me, I could have run another mile, if not more.  I guess this walking thing has really helped with my endurance.  After a break from running after my first surgery, I couldn't run anywhere near a mile.  Today it really wasn't difficult at all.  I ran the mile in 10:18 and I listened to music - my 2009 Race for the Cure playlist.

Day 39 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast 1: hard boiled egg and V8
Breakfast 2: western omelet at Betty's cafe and 1.5 pieces of toast
Breakfast 3: 1/4 of a long john donut
Lunch at 2pm: side salad with spinach and cucumber and a little Thousand Island dressing
Dinner: Steak on a salad
Drinks: hot tea, water, vodka and Sprite Zero

1 comment:

  1. Happy back running day! Zero days until you can run.....did you every think you would be here. Incredible....lots of reasons, but at least two are your tenacity and that more than great husband you described. Enjoy the moments.
