Saturday, July 3, 2010


This weekend in my 25th high school reunion.  None of us look that old, of course. 

Last night we just had an informal meet-up at a local bar/restaurant.  Things started a little slow, but then the crowd picked up and a karaoke DJ came in so we ended up having a great time singing songs from our youth, dancing, and just catching up.

This morning, I got up early so I could get a walk in before the breakfast.  One of our classmates owns Betty's City Cafe here and we met for breakfast at 9:30.  I was up at 7:30 and walked a 5K in 48:00.  My miles were 15:19, 15:42, and 15:24.

Today we went to an all-class luncheon and heard the community choir.  Several of our teachers were in the choir and the director was our band director (still teaching after 40 years) who is a close family friend.  It was a great group and I'm glad we were there to hear them.  We also helped Michelle and James figure out some of the last minute party arrangements and set up.  We're using my Blackberry Sirrus app to play the 80's station at the party tonight.  We're also helping cater the event.  It's a mexican food (tacos, burritos, etc) buffet and we made the guacamole, spanish rice, and a HUGE fruit salad.

Tonight is the primary reunion party and it's BYOB.  I don't know what drink to bring for me.  I tried red wine at the Friday night party but didn't even finish a whole glass.  It just didn't taste good to me.  Saturday night, Ken got me a southern comfort and diet coke and I drank it over about 2 hours.  He got me another one and I took a few sips and decided I just didn't want it.  It was sweet and syrup-y and . . . ick.  I decided I'd rather have diet 7-up straight up.  I think maybe I'll stop and get some amaretto and take Sprite Zero. Then I can try one with a little amaretto in it and if I don't like it, I can switch to just the Sprite Zero.

Day 36 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: 5.5 oz V8 before exercising and a western omelet with sausage and veggies afterward. I also had my first taste of bread in a long time.  I ate most of half a piece of buttered wheat toast with the omelet.
Lunch: pulled pork and a little coleslaw at the luncheon
Snack: a few black beans, 3 little pieces of watermelon as I sliced it for fruit salad, and a couple of teaspoons of homemade salsa that I made before mixing it in the guacamole
Dinner: all the great taco stuff at the party including guacamole, black beans, spicy chicken, lettuce, etc.  No tortillas, chips, or fruit salad, though. The food was fabulous. I ate two helpings - more than I should have -but all stuff that was diet friendly.
Drinks: water all day, iced tea, and 2 Sprite Zero with amaretto at the party, one glass of chocolate red wine before bed

1 comment:

  1. But, What did you WEAR??? I am dying to know if you decided to wear THE dress?
