Monday, November 2, 2009

Managing energy

I felt pretty terrible yesterday and then not so great this morning, either.  Since my only meeting got canceled, I decided to work from home.  Even then, I only got a couple of hours in before my headache made it difficult to concentrate and I laid down for a nap. 

I got up about an hour later and took some ibuprophin and changed into running clothes.  I know that sounds crazy with this nasty flu bug going around, but I don't have a fever and I need to kick whatever this is so I can get on with other things.  It's a gorgous day today - lower 50s and sunny.  I told myself I was going outside to walk and get fresh air.  Although it was hot in the house, I kept having bouts of being shivery and cold.  I figured going outside and getting some fresh air couldn't hurt. 

Although I fully intended to just walk, I'm always the optimist and changed into running clothes - just in case.  I took my mp3 player and temporarily skipped a few steverunner episodes to listen to Fdip211: Gifts, Gadgets and Gizmos for Runners where he read an email I sent him.  I'm not sure I'm into most of the running gagets that he mentioned, although the trigger point massage and rolling ball thing sounded like it might be good for my calves and IT bands which I have a tough time loosening.  I already  have a Garmin 305.  My favorite parts of his shows are his ramblings on life in general and I congratulate him on his news of soon becoming a grandfather! 

It was such a gorgous day.  I started by walking a mile at 18:36 and felt myself get a little weak and sweaty before the mile was even over.  I hoped that wasn't an omen.  I started to run after the first mile and the first two blocks seemed tough so I didn't think I'd be able to finish even the one mile, but then I got in a groove.

I ended up running 3 miles at 11:01, 10:51, and 10:53.  Then I walked a half mile to cool down.  So in all, I ran 3 miles and walked 1.5.  Not bad for a sick person.  I'm still a little dizzy and still have an "iffy" stomach, but I do feel a lot better. I'll be able to get some more work before the kids get home and then more while they are at piano and church school tonight.  In all, I hope taking the time out for the nap and run will make me more productive today as I managed my energy well.  We'll see how the rest of the day goes.


  1. So you got your "groove" on. So true, but your groove is a lot more than running....."I need to kick whatever this is so I can get on with other things". That's the same person who starts up a blog, will do anything for her family, empowers her staff, and is not going to let anything keep her from the things she loves. Sounds like the run was a great afternoon "invigorator".

  2. Hi Kelly
    I heard your email on Steve's podcast at Fdip. Despite his protestations to the contrary I think he speaks eloquently and for many of us runners when we wishes you well. I'm only a humble runner too but I feel that running adds to our inner resource in dealing with everything and reading your blog suggests that you feel much the same.
    I wish you a full and lasting recovery.
    Peter (Somerset, England)
