Thursday, June 3, 2010

Plastics follow up appt

I had my first post-surgery follow up appointment with my plastic surgeon.  Here's the summary:
  1. We agreed I'm a little small but didn't determine whether I might have been more happy with the next size up because it's 25cc more which might be too much for me.  He said these implants took most of the left/right space that I had, so larger would have spread out more.  I don't want to spread side-to-side anymore at all, so he may be right.  This may be all the bigger I can get without invading my underarms again.
  2. He explained that he didn't think high profile implants were for me because they would leave a "shelf" on the top of the chest ("a place to set your coffee cup") which I didn't like at all about the expanders.
  3. He was really happy with the natural look of the top half and cleavage area.  I am too.  He also likes the symmetry.
  4. He said the bottom connection area doesn't look as natural and it's really difficult to get that to look natural.
  5. I'm still swollen, so he said I'll probably get even smaller and we need to check symmetry again after the swelling goes down.  
  6. I need to continue to wear sports bras all the time until I see him next time (3 weeks).
  7. No running yet, obviously.  No lifting either.
He didn't bat an eye that I wasn't wearing the post-surgical bra he gave me.  I was wearing a full coverage, heavy sports bra, instead.  Yea.  I'll continue wearing my sports bras during the day and only wear the surgical one at night.

After my appointment, I went to my office and worked for nearly 5 hours, including 2 meetings.
After fighting the hand wrap at work today (see previous post), I went to a drug store to try to find another option. It just isn't going to work for me. It was falling apart in many places today (it did that yesterday too, when the PT wrapped it) and it was distracting and annoying and I really doubted it could possibly be working since it was so loose and messed up. Then I came home, took off the wrap and tried a bunch of options before settling on some finger sleeves with the compression glove the PT gave me as a backup to the wrap.

One of the parents at swimming is a massage therapist and she talked with me about the massage method for draining to treat Lymphedema. I was trying to squeeze the fluid down my finger into my hand, but she said the lymph system is already full, so that won't work. I'm supposed to start up high in the chest area and do little bits at a time to then siphon the fluid out of the fingers. The fingers don't get massaged until last. That makes sense. I'll try it.

Day 6 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: fried egg and 2 pieces of bacon (not greasy)
Lunch: left over steak, a mini cucumber, snack bag of peanuts, and a piece of string cheese
Snack: piece of string cheese
Dinner: a piece of ham lunchmeat and a piece of Laughing Cow low fat cheese (wasn't hungry)
Drinks: water all day

I didn't have enough time to walk the three miles today, but I came close. I put in 2.67 miles with the mile paces at 16:45 and 16:42. I wore the glove during the walk of course. I also pumped my fingers like I was squeezing a ball, like the PT suggested.

Good news:  after my compression and activity today, my pointer finger is noticeably smaller (yes, I took the glove off before posting tonight).  I'll have Ken wrap it or something for the night, though.  We need to keep it compressed all the time for awhile.  I want to kick this thing if it is at all possible.

I got a comment on my last post from Marie-Carole Gallien, a women who also has Lymphedema as a result of breast cancer surgery.  She was nice enough to give me some web resources to check out.  I may find some time to do that tomorrow.  Thank you, Marie-Carole!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kelly,

    I hope all is well. You are welcome for the information.

    Take care,
    Marie-Carole Gallien
