Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm a pear

It was a scorcher today - heat and suffocating humidity.  At 11:50pm it is still 80 degrees F. 

This morning, I slept in, had breakfast, and talked with the kids before going out for a walk at about 10:30 or so.  I lasted 2 miles (15:14 and 14:37) and then gave up and came inside.  I also officiated the entire 5 hour swim meet beginning at 5:30 and sweated like crazy, so I'm counting that as exercise too.  I was on my feet on concrete the whole time.  When I could, I stretched a little and did some isometric abs and quads.  I've noticed that my hamstrings are in much better shape than my quads.  They even look better.  They look like totally different legs from the back vs the front.  I know I need to bite the bullet and start cycling.  I hate the cycle. 

Day 26 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: hard boiled egg
Lunch: spinach salad with steak, black beans, and a salsa/sour cream mixture
Snack: edamame
Dinner: pulled chicken sandwich (minus bun) from the swim team concession stand - the sauce mixed in seemed to be some type of cream of chicken soup mixture.
Drink: water all day

In an earlier post, I confessed that I have 3 sizes of clothes in my closet and I just ignore what doesn't fit.  So today I went shopping in my closet and tried on clothes.  I only got through the shorts and capris before I had to get everything ready for the swim meet. 

The good news is that I have more shorts/capris that fit than don't fit.  I've got 3 that are too big, 2 I could wear with a belt, 8 that fit, and 5 that are too small.  When I started the South Beach Diet 26 days ago, I was wearing the 3 that are now too big.  Mixed in with the smaller shorts I found two pair of jeans that I didn't think I'd ever get into again.  One fits and the other is still too snug, but no longer inconceivable to wear someday.  I was happy I could actually fasten everything I tried on, even what was deemed too small to wear. 

In the next few days or this weekend, I'll try on work pants, skirts, and shirts/blouses.  Then I need to determine what outfits I can make out of what fits.  It's a good thing I have separates.  My top and bottom have changed in relation to each other quite a bit.  Now I'm back to size 6 or 8 on the top and 10 or 11 on the bottom.  If it weren't for my wide shoulders, I'd be a pear.


  1. Great progress Kelly. I am getting nowhere fast on the weight loss. trying to keep my calories down is next to impossible without running.

  2. I hear ya Kelly.....I went shopping in my closet and found 2 pants I can wear with a belt, 6 that fit, and 4 that I can wear in a flood.
