Saturday, June 19, 2010

All nighter

I pulled an all-nighter last night.  I was working on options for reorganizing our department and I was on a roll.  I had an epiphany.  So I worked on documenting and refining the ideas until 5:30am.  Then I went to bed and slept until nearly noon.  The frightening thing is that I worked with no breaks, no food, just constant productivity and engagement the whole 5+ hours. And it was fun.  I guess that's the most frightening thing - that it was fun.

By the time I got up it was 90 degrees F outside and I stayed inside all day until going to Val's softball game at 6:45.  She had a great game (single and a triple, struck out some batters and made some plays) and afterward they were headed to Dairy Queen.  Ken came up with the great idea that I walk home.  I was dressed to do so and even had my MP3 player in my purse, so I handed Ken all the stuff I didn't need and took off.  I walked 50 minutes (took some detours) and I'm guessing the distance was about a 5K, maybe a little more.

Day 22 of South Beach Diet:
Breakfast: omelet with black beans, spinach, asparagus, and low fat cheese
Snack: cocoa roasted almonds
Dinner: V8 (5.5 oz) and pizza - yes, really.  Ok, not really.  I wiped olive oil on the omelet pan and put in low fat shredded cheese and fried it.  Then I topped it with ground sirloin mixed with a little spaghetti sauce and slices of Baby Bell mini low fat cheese.  I put a plate on the pan to melt the cheese topping before serving.  The "crust" didn't really stay together well, but it was certainly pizza-like.  Ken really liked it. 
Snack:  I expect to have some type of diet-friendly snack tonight.

As for diet progress, I'm not sure how to gauge it.  I think it was the date of my preop appointment when I went into the doctor's office and I weighed in at 16 pounds heavier than I am now.  On the morning of my surgery, on the way to the preparation room, I weighed in at 13 pounds heavier than I am now.  Then just 3 or 4 days after surgery, I began weighing myself and I was 7 pounds heavier than I am now.  You might not believe it, but I really believe that I lost 6 pounds by getting those heavy, huge expanders replaced with these small, soft implants.  So if I use the post-surgery weight measure, I'm only down 7 pounds in 3 weeks. 

My clothes certainly fit better, both the tops and pants.  I'm in shorts that I wore last summer, though I was no skinny person then either.  However, it is definitely progress.  I need to go through my closet to "go shopping" again.  I probably have 3 sizes of clothes in there and I just don't wear the ones that don't fit.  I know I can go down a size on some things because I've tried on a few slacks that fit for work. 

My lymphedema is doing really well.  I didn't wear any compression most of the day.  I wore finger sleeves on two fingers while at Val's game and during my walk.  My pointer finger is probably a little swollen, but not misshapenor concerning.  I hope the lymph system is figuring out those new routes for drainage so I can be one of those few women who can beat this thing without having to do swelling management forever.  I might have to wear something while running, forever, though. That's getting off easy, if you ask me.

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and Father-in-Law!  I know it's tomorrow, but who knows when I'll get on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes sleep is overrated when you have a good idea or are focused on something..... Good news about walking and your lymph system....and diet.....go get em' Kelly..... you are an amazing woman with some many great adventures ahead of you.
