Friday, October 16, 2009

Surgery is scheduled

I guess the optimism paid off. My surgery is scheduled for November 23, 2009 at noon. I'll have to be there in the morning, though. Now I just need to schedule a pre-op appt with the plastic surgeon. My pre-op with my surgical oncologist is Nov 10.

It is a big relief to me to have this scheduled as I was getting quite anxious about waiting.

I'm still going to do the MRI on Monday and the second opinion clinic on Wednesday, but I'm not expecting either experience to alter my decision.

I'm anxious about the MRI. I'm expecting results on Oct 23. What if it shows a more serious situation with multiple tumors and possible lymph node involvement? I'm very afraid of that possibility. If that is the case, I may not be able to get implants and I probably will have to postpone reconstruction until I go through radiation and chemo, both of which I am desperately hoping to avoid. It's also possible they could decide to move the surgery to an earlier date if the prognosis becomes worse.

I have block to all that from my mind, though. The doctor really does not think there is any lymph node involvement. He thinks it's very early and there is only one instance of ILC. I so very much hope he is correct. We won't really know until after surgery though. I wonder if I'll know November 24 or if all the tissue has to go to a lab and I'll have to wait another week or two for results. I guess that is a pre-op appointment question I should ask.

Another hurdle is complete though. I guess that means I'm still moving along. I've taken another step to get through this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, Thought about you a lot today because I was running around between doctor appointments, surgery, intakes and consultations... different conditions, but enough to be blasted with a reminder of your courage and tenacity. Good news about an are an "action" person and it is good to see you getting cooperation from your medical team. By the way, as a runner, we don't say "hurdle" too loud or the next thing that happens is someone puts fences in the way of our local runs : - ).
