Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ran 5! Listening to Podcasts

I ran 5 miles today (11:12, 11:20, 11:21, 10:20, 10:46) and walked a quarter mile cool down. It was a beautiful night and just perfect to be out there. I intended to make this my long run for the week and after 3 miles, I knew I had at least one, probably two miles left in me. Actually, I probably could have gone even longer, but it was completely dark by then and my parents and family were waiting at home.

Don't you just love it when you feel good enough to run more miles than planned - especially when you have time to do so?

I listened to a podcast while pounding the pavement again. Today it was Steverunner's Phedippidations podcast #205. I listen to most of Steve's podcasts, though I'm chronically a bit behind. His current podcast is #209.

My friend and mentor, Jim calls me a Steverunner groupie, but I strongly deny such allegations.  I even challenged Jim to create his own podcast so I can be a JimTriGuy groupie too.  He'd be great at it, by the way.  Jim's a great runner and very funny.  Also, in my own defense, I'm not exclusive with the Steverunner show, I listen to other podcasts, too.  However, when I tell you that Steve encourages new podcasters and promotes other blogs and podcasts on his show, you might start to agree with Jim's groupie assessment, so I really shouldn't have mentioned it. 

In addition to Steverunner, I very highly recommend The Extra Mile Podcast.  This show is created by putting together audio submissions by runners all over the world.  Runners call in or send an audio file with a training update, inspirational story, or race report.  It's great to hear so many different runners who are at very different places in their running and training.  New runners are just as welcome as pros on that podcast and there really is something for everyone.  I keep meaning to call in to the Extra Mile to give a report. 

On occassion, I also listen to Zen and the Art of Triathlon and RunRunLive.  I also plan to check out Running To Disney because I hear Gordon is smart and funny and Fitness Rocks because Dr Monte is an MD and a runner. 

If you walk or run for exercise, check out to find a podcast that really speaks to you. Then download it to your iPod or mp3 player (I use a Sanza clip) and hit the road.  If running isn't your thing, search the web for a podcast related to one of your hobbies or work interests.  A podcast is like talk / public radio, but with topics you select.


  1. Nothing wrong with being a Steverunner groupie..... seems fun, he is knowledgeable, and gives some fun thoughts and stories to enjoy while you run. Besides, not only are you running quite a bit, you are even wishing you could run more....hats off to Steve.....and Tom, however most of the credit goes to you...... you are the one out there... and very glad to see you running for you...for the enjoyment....for the energy...for the time to unwind...and for the PODCASTS : - ). Go getem' runner Kelly.

  2. 5 miles? Sound like you're ready to do a tri next year with us!

  3. Sure, Michelle, I'll do the tri if someone else can do the canoe and bike. LOL!
