Monday, October 12, 2009

Second Opinion

Wow, I just got off the phone with Riverside's second opinion clinic nurse. I'm amazed.  I have an appointment for next Wednesday and will be seeing a whole team of doctors as well as survivors!  I will meet with a surgeon, plastic surgeon, oncologist, and several others (I didn't have the presence of mind to write them all down).  They will have all my records and I need to bring the "films" with me to the appointment.  During the lunch break, volunteer breast cancer survivors will meet with us too. 

Unfortunately, Ken will be out of town and can't make it to this appointment.  My mother will probably be coming with me as she and Dad changed their flight plans to arrive about a week earlier than intended for a visit here.  They will be here on Saturday.

I'm so excited about this appointment!  The nurse was very supportive on the phone and I have a really good feeling about this opportunity.  THANK YOU ALL who pushed me to get the second opinion.  I really don't expect my treatment options to change as a result of this visit since the James doctor is fabulous and he outlined all the options. I think the biggest impact this clinic will have is on my psyche.  The opportunity to have many people to talk with and ask questions will be very valuable.  It was such a shock during my meeting with the James surgeon that I wasn't prepared to ask questions and I probably would not have been able to fully understand his answers anyway.  This second opinion clinic is just what I need to help me be better informed and comfortable with my decision and the process I took to get there. 

If you want to learn more about the clinic, see  The nurse said they won a national Komen award recently for this service.  And, by the way, it is truly a service.  There is no cost for this multi-hour consulation!  Amazing.

I also have great news about the James consultation.  The nurse practioner was able to get me an appointment with a plastic surgeon, Dr. Kocak, for Thursday, October 15 (almost 2 weeks sooner than my original appt).  I'll have to miss an important retreat with my staff, but it's worth it.  I'm anxous about waiting too long (hoping it won't spread while we wait) and I'd really like to get the surgery done so I can have recovery time before Christmas.  I'd still like to travel to Nebraska for the holidays.


  1. I'm also am excited about your Second Opinion appointment. You are so lucky to have such valuable resources available within minutes and not have to drive hours or fly to get to them. Also, to have such excellent treatment facilities.
    See you Saturday.

  2. Great news Kelly. So much to consider, but you are a smart and capable analyst.... with another skillful, compassionate analyst at your side in Ken.... I know you will use whatever information you have to make the best decisions for you and your family.

  3. Hi Kell! I've been reading through your blog and WOW...from just hearing the news this morning, I've gone from crying to feeling much better already! But, the blog is about YOU, not me. After hearing you write about Michelle Z. & her discussing someone here that chose a double, had reconstruction, and has gotten along well...I'll confirm that. Plus, her husband might be good for Ken to speak with also. After hearing from "Daddy Don", it sounds like you're swamped and probably trying to get ready for their arrival. I really want us to try to talk together. Maybe after your parents arrive, we could have a minute to catch up by phone. You sound amazingly "Kellish"...honest and ALWAYS attempting to look at the glass half FULL! I'm sending love and a hug through the screen to you. A lot of prayers are being said, girlfriend!
    Paula "PK" Smith
