Sunday, August 1, 2010

4 miles today

I haven't run for 2 weeks, so I was pretty happy with my run today.

I ran 4.15 miles today.  Well, actually I ran 2 miles, walked 3 or 4 minutes, ran another one, and then walked most of the 4th mile.  My miles were 11:19, 11:01, 12:34, and 15:44.  The 5K was 35:45.  Since I haven't run in 2 weeks and it was 1:30pm and HOT with little shade throughout the run, I did much better than I expected.  I was also having some almost reflux issues with my spicy lunch threatening me after running the first mile or so.  I made it through the 5K without it getting too bad though.

Please don't think my run/walk/run/walk process today was in any way like the Galloway method.  It was not.  If I was doing the method correctly, I would have run for only 2 or 3 minutes and then walked only a minute and started running again.  Repeat.  That's the smart way to do it.  I do have trouble allowing myself to walk because the 1 minute isn't really enough recovery.  I think that's the point, though.  It's like you never stopped running at all because the 1 minute break is just enough to give your legs and energy the break needed to go much longer, but talking only 1 minute isn't long enough to recover completely aerobically and thus the aerobic benefits span through the walk.  I should stop talking about the method though since I haven't even gotten the book yet.  I couldn't find it in Nebraska and I haven't looked since I've come home.  I may need to order it online.

Last night, I had a great at Jeff and Jen's chicken wing party.  I drank red wine and ignored the diet.  I was out until after 1am and so I was pretty slow getting up this morning.

My eating has been off course a little over the past week, but I had a pretty good day today. Maybe I'll formally move on to Phase 2 on the South Beach diet.  I've never really done this phase.  I think things are added like fruit, but I need to do more research on it.  Our kids are staying with Ken's parents this week, so from Monday to Monday we'll be kidless.  I don't think I'll be able to stay on any regular diet plan this week as we'll probably be going out and I'll want to eat sensibly but not strictly. 

Food Journal (but no formal diet right now):
Breakfast:  well, I didn't get up until almost lunch time, so I ate a Healthy Choice fudge bar
Lunch:  spicy spinach and lettuce salad with black beans, hot sauce, chicken, and guacamole
Dinner: cold left over chicken, soy nuts, cocoa roasted almonds
Drinks: water, Sprite Zero, Powerade Zero, half of a G2

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