Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday girl

Today is my 44th birthday.  And what a fantastic day it has been!

A couple of my staff members are really great at remembering and recognizing birthdays.  I had a card on my chair this morning and several of them brought in snacks today.  I ate an oatmeal raisin cookie and some almonds between my morning meetings.  Then at 1pm, they scheduled a "make your own" strawberry shortcake event at 1pm.  It was so nice!  They had lots of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries), some special cherry jam, short cakes, and whipped cream.  It was really great that they did anything at all, and even more wonderful that they made an effort to choose healthy options.  What an amazing group!  Thank you all!

I was also blown away by some staff who aren't even in my unit.  They saw me on another floor today and wished me a happy birthday.  How did they know?  Crazy.  I also got email wishes from several colleagues, including some ecards.  LeeAnn and Michelle both sent wishes from Nebraska too. 

Cards arrived from several family members who are much better at remembering such things than I am, including my Wendy and Alan, Dave and Carm, and Dick and Carol.  Jan and Jim gave me some great wine-related things last week (they are out of town this week) and my parents sent a beautiful card and money to buy something special. 

Today the crowning event was after dinner - when my wonderful husband and children made me cry with pride.  My children both gave me cards they made themselves on the computer. 

Jason's card had a pun on the front - it said "YOU ROCK!!!!" and had a background of river rocks.  The inside said "Today is a day to celebrate.  you know why . . . CAUSE IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!  Happy birthday Mom!!!  Hope it's a good one!  Love, Jason.  Fireworks were on the inside background and the back has a beautiful city at sunset. 

Val's card was also designed and written by her.  The front said "Happy Birthday Mom!" and had a rocky coast line.  The inside had a cool blue design of a huge ball, sky and water background.  On the back was a waterfall.  On the inside, she composed a poem:
Dear Mom,
Even though I'm growing up,
The road ahead is still oh so tough.
But you will help me find my way,
Through the night and all day.
And being an early teen,
I have many many dreams.
You know some aren't made for me,
So you say "Be your self and that's all you need".
And so Mom as you can see,
I love you as much as you love me.

I love you Mom.
Have a very special 44th Birthday.
Needless to say, I was touched.  And very proud.

The kids got me some Galloway running books - I guess I'd better start running again!  Val also made me a happy face placemat that she has been saving since school last year.  Ken got me some martini glasses, a shaker, and the fixins for a green apple martini.  Yum!  We had my birthday celebration in our wonderfully almost-finished and beautifully done basement.  I'm now sitting on my reclining couch (that doesn't look like a reclining couch) and drinking a martini made for me by my husband.  Soon, Ken and I will watch a movie on the Netflix Instant Queue that he set up this weekend. 

What a wonderful day!  I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.  Thank you all for being such positive forces.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a year, huh? Today is my son's 9th birthday too. So glad it was such a special day.

  2. Happy Birthday Kelly.....sounds like a great day. Doesn't get any better than that. Enjoy!

  3. Not to make light of what anyone else did for your birthday, but I'm guessing those wonderful cards from Valerie and Jason would have been enough by themselves to make this a birthday to remember.
