Monday, August 16, 2010

Ankle issue

I ran again this morning.  I think I'm losing ground on this running thing.  I'm slower, need to walk more often, and my ankle acts up a little more each time.  Today I did 3.28 miles in 39:04.  My miles were 11:32 (ran), 10:30 (ran), 12:39 (walked and ran).  The 5K was 35:30.  I did some stretching afterward and during the warm-down walk because my ankle was a bit weak.

After my shower, I couldn't walk without limping.  It eventually worked itself out so I didn't limp the whole day, though.  I can't decide if the issue is really ankle-related or if it's just where a shin splint is presenting.

I wrapped my fingers and arm for the run.  Upon unwrapping it, I had the following:
  1. Same as yesterday:  Very minor swelling on the back of my hand and between my knuckles
  2. New: Minor swelling in my index finger (both top half and bottom half)
As the day went on, my index finger lost some of the swelling, but not completely.  I didn't wear a compression glove or finger sleeve today because I wanted to see if it would go down by itself.  I want it to learn to self-correct.  Since it didn't reduce to regular size, I am wearing a finger sleeve to bed tonight.  I predict my finger swelling will go down a little but my lower knuckles and back of my hand will swell more.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning.

Lymphedema rating after morning run:  3 out of 10
Lymphedema hours later at end of the evening:  2 out of 10

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