Sunday, January 2, 2011

Catching up

We're back from Utah and spent the day at swim team practice and trying to get ready to start the rat race around here again.

On Dec 31, I ran a 5k on a treadmill in UT.  I haven't been on a treadmill in ages.  When I started running about 6 years ago, I swore by them and thought I might only be a treadmill runner.  Now I avoid them like the plague.  I don't have the time on the run since I did a long walking cool-down and forgot to pay attention to the machine.  I'm so used to my Garmin handling all that.  I suspect it was no quicker than 33 minutes.

Today I was determined to run outside but a series of events made me change my mind and so I ran on the indoor track at RPAC while the kids were at swim team.  I was also determined to put in a 10k and I didn't do that either.  I ran 5 miles (10:31, 10:44, 10:58, 10:39, and 10:59).

I thought coming down from the mountains would make running in Ohio easier.  I guess the benefit was offset by all the holiday food I ate while I was there.  Oh well.  At least I was fairly consistent with running while on vacation.  I ran on Dec 22, 24, 27, 31, and Jan 2.  I also had a full day of skiing and swam 1200 yards. 

My Lymphedema was more obvious in Utah.  Now that I'm back in Ohio, my hand is swollen at about a 2 or 3 on a 10 point scale.  I guess the elevation really does make a difference.  I wore a glove/wrap the entire time I was on the airplanes and the swelling was kept in-check, thank goodness.  Running still causes it to swell, so I wear a glove when I run.

Now that I'm headed back to work and the crazy schedule of a mother of active school-aged kids, we'll see if I can keep up the consistency in my running.  I hope so!  I really need to improve my base and speed up a bit to ensure I can run with someone at the Boston Poco Loco in April.  I initially thought the "poco" part meant that the run might be shorter and the runners perhaps slower, but I was mistaken.  Each leg of the relay is 10k.  And it looks like all the runners are marathon caliber.  I'm not backing out, though.  I can run a 10k.  I know I can't run it at an 8 minute mile pace, but a 10ish minute mile might be possible if I work at it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly. You will do great at Poco Loco. marathon caliber, does not necessarily mean faster and you have been training better than ever. Besides, I met some people at Smith & Wesson and I was not THEIR "caliber" and I got along with them fine. Hey, that humor was just a shot in the dark. Keep smiling Kelly, that and a spoonful of suger make the treadmill go away.....
