Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in 2011

Ready to ring in the new year?  Already have?  I'm certainly looking forward to it.

It has been a challenging year with recoveries from breast cancer and reconstructive surgeries, significant work issues, and helping the kids navigate "growing up" events.  The successes earned during all that adversity have sparked a new year that is sure to be full of life, health, productivity, and learning.  I'm looking forward to so many exciting things in 2011.

  • I am honored to join podcasters and other members of the run net community at the Poco Loco in Boston on April 30, 2011.  We'll meet each other, run the event, and hang out all evening at a pub/restaurant.  It will be great to meet these people who I only know online. 
  • My 7th Race for the Cure is on May 14, 2011.  I should be well trained from the Poco Loco!
  • After the Poco Loco, I'll spend the rest of the year training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon.  Although I could never be mistaken for a princess, Becky has convinced me to run this all-women event with her in January 2012.  I've only run the 13.1 mile distance once (2008) so it will not be a walk-in-the-park for me.
  • We'll be helping my parents get their retirement house ready by assisting with the construction of a new garage on the house they bought in Ohio.  They plan to move from Nebraska to Ohio in 2012.
  • A family vacation will be planned for the summer, possibly to a lake in Canada again.
  • As the kids get older and more responsible, Ken and I are able to get away more often to spend quality time, even if just for a few hours.
  • No more visits to the plastic surgeon!  I've decided to forego the optional reconstructive steps and will not get the nipple creation or areola tattoo this year.  I just don't think I need them and am worried they would get in the way of comfort/modesty while swimming and wearing braless outfits.
  • My physical therapist group (Lymphedema specialists) is moving to a much more convenient location in January and I pledge to use their services more regularly in this new year.
  • The second week in January, I will welcome a new manager to my team at work.  Welcome, Christina!
  • A reorganization of my department has begun and the result will be more people to do what I have been trying to do alone.  We didn't actually get more people, but the work has been reorganized to add business analysts who will make a significant difference in our ability to select the best solutions and get the job done more effectively. 
  • I am cautiously optimistic that I'll be hiring the other manager position on my team during the first quarter of the year.  I'm worried the budget shortfalls might cut the funding for that role, though.  I hope not!  The reorganization was designed with that role and doesn't work without it.
  • Once we get the new organizational structure functioning effectively at work, I plan to finally put in the time required to learn about new technologies we can use to further the aspirations of OSU.  I've got a long list of things I need to research.
  • Ken, the kids, and I will continue to learn together as we navigate through Valerie's early teenage/Junior High years and Jason's move to Middle School.
  • We'll also learn much about basketball and travel baseball since Ken will be assisting Jason's coaches this year.
  • I'll continue to learn from my OSU staff, colleagues, and leaders as we strive to simplify our processes and more effectively develop and leverage our talented faculty and staff.
  • And I expect I'll figure out that I know less than I thought I knew about some things . . . and more than I gave myself credit for about other things.  That's the joy of continuous learning and challenging myself to be open to discovery in both the new and familiar.
It feels wonderful to toast the successes of 2010 and to move on to the many happy times 2011 will bring.  Cheers! 


  1. Happy New Year, Kel! Glad you have so many wonderful things happening in your life now -- and lots of neat stuff to look forward to next year!

  2. 2011 sounds like a great year for you, Kelly. Lots of transitions and good changes. You and Ken certainly deserve the time, lots of work and family adventures, and a great group of people to connect with and party with in some big running events. Enjoy.
