Monday, January 10, 2011

Great 5 mile run

I had a great run today on the RPAC indoor track: 5 miles in 50:47.  I kept to the run/walk/run sequence with 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking.  My miles were 10:00, 10:22, 10:07, 10:01, and 10:17.

I was very surprised at the increase in speed and decrease in effort compared to what I've been running the past month or so.  What was the difference was in this run?  Perhaps the 8+ miles I put in on Friday followed by 2 days off made the difference.  Or maybe the decadent Mac and Cheese I had for lunch at Eddie George's Grill was a carb load (kidding, of course)?  Or maybe the stars were aligned?  Or maybe it's a cyclical thing - hmmmm that's actually quite possible.  I just love it when I'm typing along in a stream of consciousness and come up with "the" answer or a great idea, anyway. 

Poco Loco Update:

During my long run on Friday I listened to a couple of podcasts and learned more about the Poco Loco from Steverunner.  Evidently this loco event is not being run as a relay.  It's more like a group running event.  Not a race, but an event.  Two teams will run 6 miles on either side of the Charles River (upstream) and will meet somewhere on or near a bridge.  Then we'll have a half time show which will be broadcasted live and also recorded, I'm sure.  After the half time show and refreshments and such, we will RUN BACK.  So this is not a 10K, but more than twice that distance . . .  a half marathon . . . 13.1 miles.  Alrighty then.

So my training plan will need to change quite a bit.  I can't afford to focus on improving my pace anymore.  I really need to focus on getting the endurance for that distance back first.  I'm confident I can do it.  I ran a half marathon in 2008 and I got some confidence by running 8+ miles on Friday.  I'll be able to do the half by April 30 if I create a plan and stick to it.  This will certainly help improve my consistency!

Lymphedema Update:  

My hand was almost normal size for a week or so but now it's swelling a little more, about a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1-10.  During the swim meet this weekend I wore the glove on Saturday but tried to do without it on Sunday.  By 1:30pm, I had to take a break from officiating and put on the glove again.  I think the heat on the pool deck affects the swelling.  I haven't taken the time to schedule my next Lymphedema treatment (targeted massage) yet.  Soon they are due to move closer to my office and I'll try to schedule a monthly visit and get more consistent at taking care of that part of myself too.  Hmmmm, consistency seems to be the theme of today's post.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kelly. You will be able to do the 13.1 and the excitement of meeting new friends and running as a group will be great incentive. Besides the pub afterward will keep you going!Thanks for granting Sainthood to the river, but it is just the Charles least up until now : - ).
