Monday, May 31, 2010

Breast Cancer Vaccine?

Hope your Memorial Day was good.  It was a beautiful day here.

I am sore today.  The yoga kicked my butt, evidently.  I was so sore after sitting through the Shrek 4 movie (the movie was surprisingly good, by the way), that I winced walking down the aisle and even more so going down the stairs.

Since I was hurting, I intended to go out for a 1 mile walk, followed by lots of stretching, followed by a longer walk.  I didn't do that though.  My hamstrings loosened up while walking so I went ahead and walked 3.26 miles.  The last mile or so my IT-bands (iliotibial band) and hip flexors were really, really tight. 

I then spent about an hour stretching; first on the steps in front of my house and then in front of the TV.  After the stretching and a hot shower, I'm not as sore.

I backed off on the really fast walking today.  No, not because Jim said I was approaching my running pace. I gave him an eSock in the shoulder for that jab!  I know he was teasing, but he's not too far off the mark.  I slowed down out of necessity because I was sore.  My miles were 17:47, 17:19, and 17:22.  My 5K was 54:04 (much slower than my 49 minutes yesterday). 

Day 3 of South Beach Diet
Breakfast: Lean turkey lunchmeat, a piece of cheese, and a 5.5oz V8
Lunch: Chicken breast strips on spring mix greens, spinach, cucumbers with roasted red pepper hummus as dressing
Snack: Handful of raw almonds
Dinner: My Memorial Day cookout meal was a blue cheese burger (no bun), raw califlower, a mini cucumber, and black beans (I LOVE plain black beans). 
Drink: water all day (and water is all I had at the movie, too)

Now for some really interesting news.  It seems some researchers are making significant progress toward a breast cancer vaccine.  Now that's news.  I certainly hope it turns out like they think it might.  I learned about this on a new blog I've started following, Julie Olsen's Journey.

I also found a new podcast that I really like, Geek Girl Runner.  At the bottom of my blog page (scroll down to the bottom of the second column), you'll find links to her most recent episodes as well as those of Steverunner.

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