Tuesday, May 25, 2010

On the mend

I just got up after napping 2 hours or so.  I'm more sore than I expected.  And dehydrated.  But overall doing very well.  Drinking some watered down grape G2 that is wonderfully cold.  I don't have Percocet this time, I have Vicodin, instead.  I've only had one so far, but could take one or two at a time as needed.  I'll be on Keflex (antibiotic) for two weeks, too. 

Despite just getting up, I noticed a few new things right away:
  • There are no more hard bump-outs in my armpits.  These implants must not be as round, or at least as outside-mounted. Less like side mirrors and more like headlights, I think.
  • They do seem much smaller than the expanders, though I really have no idea of the size because I'm wrapped tight in the compression bra thing that I had for last surgery too. 
  • I don't know if it's an illusion because of the size difference, but they seem much lighter than the expanders too.  Beth reported the same thing, so I'm hanging my hat (or shirt) on that assumption. 
  • I'm more sore than expected.  Also, I seem to have some feeling in the top clevage area that is outside and just inside the bra.  That's really great.  It's certainly worth the soreness to know I may have some sensation.
  • I actually have arm mobility - and on both sides.  Of course I won't be doing the backstroke (or any swimming) anytime soon, but I also don't have my elbows plastered to my sides like post-mastectomy surgery.  I suppose that means I'll have to be more careful with what I do because I don't feel as restricted.  I'd hate to have to go back in for fixes to the cavity because I was too overzellous to get back to normal.
I'm certainly thankful for the post-surgical bra the James has selected.  Honestly, it's pretty neat; zipper up the front and wide straps that velcro from the t-back to the front to ensure it's fully adjustable. Probably not something to wear post-recovery, but hey, not out of the question. We'll see if I'm still loving it 9 days from now.  I don't seem to have anything besides seep pads under it so I'm not wrapped in a tight ace bandage like for the mastectomy. 

I ate chicken rice soup when I got home and it was just what I needed.  I don't know if I've ever had chicken rice soup, but it seemed less heavy than chicken noodle and I really wanted the broth for sure.  I think I'll have a bit more now, too.

Valerie is due home from school in a few minutes.  She'll be so excited that I'm up and around.  Before she went to bed last night, she was resigned to the idea that I'd be sleeping when she got home.  Surprise!  I'll probably go back to sleep at about 4pm shortly after Jason gets home. 

1 comment:

  1. At some point I will want to hear Ken's take on the "headlights versus side mirrors" analogy.


    Sounds like it went well. Don't overdo it! And of course - do not be shy - let us know what you need.

