Saturday, May 29, 2010

South Beach

I slept a lot today.  I slept in this morning and then took a nap again shortly after brunch.  My allergies have been acting up so I broke down and took a Benadryl and then got sleepy.  It never did clear my sinuses/ears though.  The Clariton D didn't solve the problem either.

Luckily, I got some energy later though and did some work around the house.  I also read parts of the South Beach Diet book and decided I might give that a try.  Ken is jumping onboard too.  So I made a veggie-and-lean-meat heavy shopping list and we went to the grocery store.  I had started the day thinking I might try the diet, so I followed the rules all day.  Ken starts tomorrow since I gave him no warning before breakfast.

Day 1 of South Beach Diet:
Breakfast:  1 fried over-medium egg
Lunch: lettuce salad with lean burger and no dressing (leftovers)
Snack: a handful of walnuts and almonds (provided by neighbor Carrie in a post-surgery care package)
Dinner:  salad with lettuce, cucumber, mushroom, tuna (no mayo), and a tablespoon of Hummus for dressing
Water to drink throughout the day

After dinner, I started to make some individual muffin quiches (recipe in the South Beach Diet book) and then realized it was getting dark.  So I left the stirring and baking to Ken and hurried out the door for a walk. 

I walked 2.27 miles (full miles were 17:01 and 16:46).  It was completely dark by the time I got home.  It felt good to get out there though.  Given the hot and humid weather, I got as sweaty as if I was out for a run.  I also noticed that I'm getting a little tight.  Not sore yet, but it's coming.  Tight muscles were everywhere: calves, shins, one of my hamstrings, hips, and lower back.  You'd think I started putting in additional running miles or something. But no, I'm tight from walking.

I should start a countdown until I can run again.  The thing is, I'm not sure when I will start.  The doc says 6 weeks.  I'm wondering if I should be safer and give it 8 weeks.  Maybe I'll assume 6 weeks and then we'll see how it goes.  I'll ask the plastic surgeon again at my post-surgery appointment on Thursday.

 My hand didn't swell while I walked today, but my left index finger is still chronically a little swollen.  My appointment with the breast cancer physical therapy place is Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Go get em' Kelly and Ken. As usual, you are an extrordinary couple and so supportive and connected. The walking is great too Kelly....less jarring to your body, but still keeps you out there and active and as Val will attest, you do walk FAST! : - )
