Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Evidence of healing (or craziness)

Evidence submitted:
  • No second nap today, so I just had the 2 hours or so while the kids were at school
  • Ate a full can of Campbell's chicken and rice soup over the course of late morning and afternoon
  • Drank A LOT of watered down G2 and plain water, even a little milk
  • Ate a full dinner (made by Jan - thank you!!!) with my family - grilled cheeseburgers (mine minus a bun), a couple of tablespoons of mac and cheese, and a small side salad
  • Also ate several (I lost count) No Bake cookies made by Jan and Val
  • Answered several work and support emails
  • Called my mother and grandmother
  • Met each of my kids outside as they arrived home from the school bus
  • Wrote 2 blog entries
  • Took my 11am pain medicine but didn't take the second dose at 5pm (the directions say 1 to 2 pills as needed and while I'm bit sore, I might try to do it without meds awhile - or at least without meds during waking hours
  • And to top it all off, I walked 1.5 miles (24:22 and the last half was under an 11 minute pace)
To show I'm not totally nuts, I also submit that I'll go to bed early tonight. And Jan and Ken insist that I must take Vicodin tonight.  I'll take a single one and see how it goes. 

The kids and Ken are pretty happy I've been getting along well.  Jason said he was proud of me for "Kicking it" and I'm proud of him for noticing and telling me.  Val made a "Hope" bracelet and wore it to school along with last years' Race for the Cure shirt (all this from a girl who otherwise REFUSES to wear pink).  She has also been helpful and thoughtful tonight.

My followup Plastic Surgeon appointment is June 3 at 9am.  I also plan to call my cancer doc to get an appointment to discuss my issues with swelling. It's probably Lymphedema but I don't have any of the risk factors, so it's a mystery.  I may have to wear a compression glove.


  1. Hey Kel!
    So glad that your recovery from this surgery is going so much smoother than the last. I wanted to call you this evening but saw that you were crashing early so I'll try tomorrow. And I know it is impossible to slow you down, but please try to take it a little bit easy this week as your body recuperates (or do we need to convince your doc to give you stronger drugs that will keep you from overdoing it)! Just enjoy your time off and relax a little.

  2. I second Lee Ann, although I would never, ever tell you what to do......highly recommend taking the time to mend. You are an extrordinary, courageous, tough as nails woman.....but strong women relax too.....just on their terms : - ). Glad recovery is going well and I hope everything turns out the best for you and your family. Kick It Kelly!
