Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Progress despite stress

Work has been tough already this week - and it's only Tuesday.  I've had meetings back-to-back, tasks handed to me at most of the meetings, no time to do any of the work, tough decisions looming, trouble with my email, etc.  On top of that, I learned I was ignoring a colleague's calls and emails because I thought he was a vendor trying to sell me something I didn't need.  I apologized profusely. 

Today after work I was stressed and in a pretty bad mood. So naturally, I was trying to think of greasy spoons to visit after swim practice where I could get bad food and a beer. Why is it that I always want something bad for me when I've been stressed which is already bad for me? It's counter-intuitive. You would think I'd crave activities and foods that are good for me when I need them the most to deal with the stress. But nope. 

It's okay though. I didn't succumb to the dark side after all.

While the kids were at swim practice, I went to the indoor track and ran. This time I was planning a shorter workout so I decided to run 20 minutes or 2 miles straight, whichever I could do. I ended up doing the 2 miles in 21:35 (10:45 and 10:50) without stopping the watch, with no drinks (which I desperately wanted to stop for), and with no walking.  That's the furthest I've run without stopping since I had surgery. I was proud of my recent 4 milers, but they included at least 3/4 mile of walking and only one mile running between walks.  Today my legs handled the 2 miles pretty well but my wind (breath) was labored. I didn't finish strong. I don't have any endurance at all. Well, I guess I have more than I did a few weeks ago. 

And I have more good news . . . I was able to stretch, really stretch after running today. I could stretch my back, my arms, my hips, and even my chest.  I also could activate my abs without the searing pain in my side I felt just last week.  I'm not sure why I have this improvement now. It could be because I'm healing. Or because things have shifted a bit and the expander is no longer pulling on the stitch. Or because I quit wearing bras for daily activity. Yep. I just quit.  Burn the bras. They were pressing on the area that was hurting and so I decided to try to stop wearing them.  Bras makes no difference at all in decency or shape anymore (except I look little smaller cuz I don't fully fill the B cup). However, I do wear a sports bra when running - doctor's orders.  It felt good to get that off when I got home.  I feel better all around, too because I ran off the stress and I ate well today.

Beth reported that her friend, E is only 5 days after final implant surgery and she is "already off the pain meds, reaching up and looking hot." Beth also reports that E says "they're lighter, and softer and comfortable." I'm not at all looking forward to having surgery again and going through rehab again and not being able to run. However, I'm very much looking forward to getting these expanders out. Hmmm, if the implants are lighter, I might actually find a way to drop a few pounds.

1 comment:

  1. I love the very last sentence Kel! Actually, I heard someone say- when you gain it's just water, when you lose it's weight. It'll all come back to you... patience. You have all the time in the world. The greatest battle is not to get frustrated and quit. Just keep plugging- be like Nemo... "just keep swimming" or "just keep moving". You can do it! Slow and steady. Life is a journey not a sprint.
