Friday, January 1, 2010

Dancing in the New Year

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a nice celebration to remember the past and ring in the new. 

Last night Ken and I went out to dinner with my friends Michelle and James.  I've known James since grade school and was really tight with Michelle when she arrived as a new student our senior year.  Michelle, Lee Ann, and I got into all kinds of trouble together that year and the summer afterward.  Ken and I intended to hang out with them for awhile, listen to some low-key live music, and then head back to my parent's house.  We certainly didn't expect to stay out to ring in the new year.  However, after the low-key music we threw caution to the wind and followed M and J to the real "happenin" place in Broken Bow last night. 

We rang in the new year dancing at a bar with a DJ.  I actually danced with little restriction - and in heals!  I even did the arm requirements for YMCA and Shout.  We danced all types of dances, met lots of fun people, said "hi" to a few people I actually knew, and hung out with our good friends, M and J.  By the end of the night, I had a sore place where the left expander was attached, but other than that, I was doing pretty well. 

I took an Aleve before I went to bed and a half-dose of vicodan (codine and tylenol) at 5am to try to get ahead of the pain that I knew was coming.  However, it's now nearly noon and I haven't taken anything else.  Could it be that I actually got away with all that dancing?  Incredible!  It probably helps that I didn't drink too much last night so I could accurately gauge what I could do and adjust when something started to twinge.  I had a few glasses of wine before, during, and after dinner, but then I drank diet coke and water at the dance place.  Ok, I had one cherry bomb thing (a shot) at about 11pm to be social.

We left the dance bar and declined the after party.  As we drove by the Jr. and Sr. High School I attended, Ken noticed the sign announced it was 1:11am on 1/1/10 and 11 degrees fahrenheit.  I guess I'm starting all over with 1's.  Running one mile at a time.  One more surgery.  Rehab one day at a time.  But with lots of love and time with friends and family.  No one could be more blessed.

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