Friday, January 29, 2010

All A's!

The kids both got all As on their report cards today, so we went out to celebrate. Dinner at Grinders and dessert next door at Graeters. Graeters is the best ice cream in the world, I kid you not. You can even order it online if you're dying to try it (they ship it in dry ice).  Or you can come to Ohio and give it a try. 

I had Black Raspberry Chip on a sugar cone. It should be called Black Raspberry Chunk, though. The chunks of dark chocolate in each scoop are not like little chips. They are big, honkin chunks of goodness. If I don't get Black Raspberry, I often get Coconut Chocolate Chip/Chunk in a cup with hot fudge. It's a Mounds bar on steroids. Mmmmmmmm.

I know, it's very bad for someone trying to lose weight to be writing about the best ice cream in the world, but it was a celebration today, after all. And I just had the one scoop. Everyone else had some crazy concoction of ice cream and waffle bowls and hot fudge and whipped cream . . . . We told the kids they could have whatever they wanted as a celebration of hard work and good grades. And Ken gets to celebrate being the best Dad and husband in the world. I get to celebrate forcing myself to walk outside today.

Today was a very unusual day at work.  I. Had. No. Meetings.  None.  Crazy.  So I buckled down and got some things done, cleared out my electronic, voice, and paper IN boxes, and proposed some changes related to the new role I've been given. The feedback I've gotten thus far has been very good. We'll see how it goes on Monday. 

I also took the time to walk about 35 minutes outside today. Since I had no meetings, I took advantage of the casual Friday dress code and wore jeans, trail hiking shoes, and a t-shirt under a sweater. I also brought gloves and ear protection. I went out in the very cold weather (12 degrees, but felt like 5) and walked pretty fast to keep from being cold. I had more fun walking with Eunice, but it still felt good to get out even if alone. Truth be told, I HAD to get out of the office because I didn't sleep well last night and I was getting very sleepy trying to go through emails. If you got an email from me today that seemed to go to the wrong person or was totally off the wall, now you know why.  At 2pm, I threw in the towel and decided I'd either have to go home and take a nap or take a walk.

I'm now "inflated" to 100cc's bigger than I want. I think that's about 20% larger than I will be with implants.  I don't know if the size is what is annoying me or if it's just that it's all tight and stretching again. I'll know soon. It seems to take 10-12 days to stop the muscle spasms after a fill, I've found. But it's my last one, thank goodness, so I won't have to deal with that anymore. I hope sleeping becomes just uncomfortable again. It's way beyond uncomfortable now and I can't seem to get a comfortable position on either side. I really can't sleep well on my back, either.

All this talk about sleep and I'm more than ready for bed. The brisk walk helped in the afternoon, but now I'm giving up the sleepy fight. I guess I'll forgo the wine paired with a good book or a movie. I'm just too tired for that. Good night. Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, been away and I could read your blogs but not comment.... I think you are doing amazing with running or walking in this weather. I had everything I could do to get out there Saturday and Sunday.....yep, inspired by you. Thank you. And great news about the kids in school, especially the character awards. You are kind enough to share your parenting experiences sometimes and you and Ken are wonderful yes, all deserve it.
