Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slow 9 in the rain

I ran my long run in the rain today.  It was about 50 degrees and misting when I went out and it got cooler and more rainy as I went along.  I was dressed perfectly though:
  • sleeveless dri-fit shirt
  • shell-only Marmot jacket with zipper vents under the arms
  • a ball cap to keep the rain off my face
  • light leggings that fell just below the knee with shorts over them
  • my fabulous Vasque trail running shoes
It was a bit warm occasionally, so I kept the jacket unzipped everywhere there was a zipper and the venting helped.  My feet stayed dry in the trail running shoes, which is exactly why I wore them.  I also wear them when I officiate swim meets even though the green color is outside the official uniform I'm supposed to wear.  It's worth it for dry feet.  I figure they can fire me if they want (it's all volunteer).  Anyway, I highly recommend these shoes and will buy another pair again soon.

My long run today was 9 miles; the same mileage as last week.  However, I was 6 minutes slower today as I finished in 1:43:55.  I was outside in the rain instead of inside on the flat track, so perhaps that's one reason for the slow down.  I also didn't follow a run-walk-run ratio, I just walked whenever I decided I should walk.  My splits were 11:18, 11:10, 11:19, 11:20, 11:31, 11:19, 12:11, 11:35, and 12:04.

The good news is my back didn't hurt much today.  Last night, Ken helped stretch my legs and rubbed my back and I'm sure that's why my back didn't tense as much today.  My legs are really tired, though - and my IT bands and hip flexors are tight. 

Tonight Ken and I are kid-less as both kids surprised us by getting invited for sleepovers.  Weird.  That never happens spontaneously!  So I'm signing off now so Ken and I can decide what to do with our surprise freedom.  Should we go out and have a wild night on the town or stay in and have a quiet romantic evening at home?  Either would be great, as we rarely get just "us" time. 

Have a great weekend!  I will!

1 comment:

  1. Great running getting out in the rain Kelly. Enjoy the time with Ken both deserve many more nights with some time for yourselves.
