Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Losing count on laps

Since I ran a 10K on Sunday and then played 90 minutes of volleyball, I decided to give the joints a break and lifted weights while the kids were at swimming on Monday.  I did 35 minutes of rigorous weights, mostly upper-body, but a little leg press and core work.  I'm still just benching the bar, but it's easier and I can do several sets (5-6) of 10 repetitions pretty much back to back.  I wasn't sore on Tuesday afterward, either.  So I think I'm making some progress.

On Tuesday, I took the day off from exercise and instead met up with a friend I haven't seen in over a year.  She saw Ken in the grocery store and learned about my cancer scare and subsequent surgeries.  She has had her own issues this year and we caught up on all that was going on.  It was great to touch base again.  We won't let another year go by without getting together, that's for sure.

Today, I ran a 5K.  Well, at least I think I did.  I got out of work late and had to hurry to get in a workout before the kids were out of swimming.  So I did the most expedient thing and ran inside on the 1/8 mile track at RPAC.  I think I did a 5K in 29:43, but I might have been off a lap - I lost count.  If I was off a lap, then I did 3 miles in 29:43, which is still movin' right along for me.  I know I did the first full mile in just over a 10 minute mile but my last 1/8 mile lap was at a little more than an 8:00 mile pace.  I think I was speeding up all the time throughout the run. I didn't wear my watch, though, so I was just sporadically watching the digital clocks hanging over the track. 

It wasn't a great day at work today, so I really needed to get the run in this evening.  It helped quite a bit so I'm glad I didn't skip it.  Work is a bit unstable right now as leadership/direction keeps changing and it's tough to strategize next steps with this dynamic landscape.  At this point, it feels more like luck if I'm headed the right direction or not.  I used to figure out the lay of the land by listening and envisioning and planning.

I'm interviewing candidates for a new manager position in my area and even that is a bit tough.  Again, the vision for the future is unclear, so I hope I'm making the right decisions about what skills to hire.  The budget situation is going to be tough for OSU next year and hope the position we got funding for is the one we need the most right now.  I guess that decision is really out of my hands - I have nothing to do with funding of FTE, so all I can do it make the best, most versatile hire. 

The update on the Lymphedma front is less encouraging than last week.  I was noticing a drop in swelling last week, but it's back to a 4 or 5 out of 10 most of the time now.  My pointer finger has decided to get back in the swelling game, too.  It must have felt left out as I was typing about it's neighbors.

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