Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  We had a wonderful holiday weekend with a full house of family and friends, wonderful food, and lots of football, including the Buckeye's big win over rival Michigan.

I didn't get out for the Turkey Trot on Thursday morning.  It was pouring rain in the morning and I was warm and dry inside making chili and prepping the house for the big day.  I am very impressed with the brave souls who ignored the weather and ran the 5 mile race anyway.

I had a good run on Monday.  I put in 4 miles while the kids were at swimming before it got dark.  I didn't have my Garmin, so I had to guess at the mileage based on time.  I also did about 15 minutes of arm weights (pecs and tris) and 20 minutes of stretching.  I was actually sore the next day from the stretching, which wasn't a good plan because I was on my feet constantly Tuesday through today with all the cooking and cleaning and such.  I had to stretch my hamstrings out several times because they were pulling on my lower back and making it very sore.

Although it was Thanksgiving, I don't think I ate way too much food or sweets.  I did have 2 pieces of Jan's fabulous pumpkin pie though - one last night and one today.  I think the standing for hours in the kitchen for several days and walking around with a baby all day today was a good to balance out the extra food.  We also walked quite a bit for about 2 hours at the zoo last night.   It was cold, but we dressed well for it and went inside several buildings along the way.

I should have gone out running this weekend, too.  It was a chilly weekend - the first we've had that was consistently cold this season.  However, several days it was sunny and looked beautiful outside.  If I dressed wisely, running would have felt great, I'm sure.  Oh well, it was better to spend with the family and be hostess.  I enjoyed orchestrating all the meals and snacks and schedules.  It was great seeing everyone and having a break from our daily crazy schedules.

Somehow in the craziness I almost missed a milestone.  I was reminded by Ken and Jan that a year ago I was just out of surgery.  I had just chosen the bilateral mastectomy and had the surgery on Nov 23.  Although this was certainly a significant date in my life, the real anniversary for me was the day I found out about the cancer.  I'm not sure why that day was more important for me to mark than the surgery.  Maybe I'd just rather forget the surgery ever happened.  Or maybe since I was on pain meds and pretty much "out of it" for several days around this date, I don't remember much about it anyway. 

Anyway, I haven't had time or focus to dwell on what was going on last year at this time.  I suppose that is good.  It certainly is a much better time this year.  I've come a very long way since then.  Thank you all who have helped me do so!

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