Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well, I didn't get to run on Monday as I would have liked, but I got out there today.  It was an incredible day, sunny and 67, and it felt good to be out there again because it's been almost a week since I last ran.

The run itself wasn't much to write about though.  I felt like I weighed 20 pounds more than I felt last week.  I was just pulling myself along and getting winded quickly.  I did the run-walk-run method with 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking pretty much throughout the run.  My miles were 10:39, 10:35, 9:59, and 10:14.  The 5K was 32:00.  I followed the run up with a 10 minute walk and put in 4.5 miles overall.

Work has been very busy and no end to the craziness is in sight.   I've got a lot on my plate because of a reorganization which resulted in 2 new manager positions that are unfilled and much transition work between staff members who are changing roles.  Until the new managers are in place and the staff is trained on their new positions, I'll be providing direction, supervision, training, and doing much of the work that others will eventually take independently.  In the meantime, I also need to be doing my Director job which has significant responsibilities and expectations.  Obviously, I won't be able to do everything well.  I'll just have to do what I can and hang in there until we can get past this transition.

I've been a bit stressed about it all and want to relax when I get home, but things are busy here too.  The kids both have swimming, church school, and regular homework.  Jason is also starting basketball.  I feel much more relaxed and on top of it all when I can get out to run regularly.  Since I know that's true, why is it so difficult to force myself to take the time?  A friend told me today that I need some motivation for running.  With no races or challenges scheduled for at least 6 months, and then it's only a 5K, I'm not really training for anything right now.  I'm afraid to commit to anything, though.  However, maybe that's exactly what I should do.

1 comment:

  1. You are one busy lady and I am always impressed at your commitment to running, work and family. You are an inspiration.
