Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Light workout

My back has been a bit sore from my crazy run on Sunday.  I broke the 10% rule and jumped from 6 miles to 8 miles for my long run this week.  I wasn't training for anything, it was just a beautiful day and I had the time and interest to keep going and going. 

Today I took it easy and warmed up with 15 minutes on a rowing machine.  Then I stretched a little, ran a mile, stretched a little more, ran another mile, and ended with a 30 minute stretching session.  So I only put in 2 miles today but I was working out for about an hour.

We are behind on Christmas planning and shopping, as usual.  It's the busy season at home and work these days.  Tomorrow, we expect our first snow showers.  They won't stick, but it will be fun to see some big, fluffy flakes.  'Tis the season.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, it is official....on behalf of runners everywhere and especially your buddy Steve, I have been authorized to declare you Kelly eplurabus runamuck unum, which means.....you are a true runner who sees an nice day and says "hey" I feel like running! Don't have to, don't need to, just want to. Runners everywhere are giving you a powergel toast and a cheer! Go get'em Kelly......
