Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 miler & milestone for Beth

Beth had her implant surgery today. I've been pulling for her and posted some comments on her blogs. Send her your "healing" prayers or vibes or both.

Today I ran 5 miles in beautiful weather (58 degrees F and sunny). My miles were 11:53, 11:44, 11:39, 11:23, and 10:56. My 5K was 36:22, so I'm still very, very slow. I could have run longer today, though. I didn't feel "spent" but I just ran out of time and patience.

I'm also glad to report that my back didn't start to twinge until after 3.5 miles today and even then it didn't get to the painful point. For a few weeks, it would start to hurt at 1.5 miles and I'd have to fight through the pain and adjust my pace and form to compensate. Not today. Yea!

My parents were visiting most of the past week and we had a wonderful time. We looked at houses to get a feel for the market since they are considering a move here at some point in the next few (2-5?) years. We also finished the backsplash on our basement kitchenette. 

The electricity in the backsplash was installed on top of the tile by the upper cabinets to ensure a clean-looking backsplash. The electrical unit we used is really cool and is made in Kearney, Nebraska. The switch for the disposal is just inside the left lower cabinet door. The countertop is black granite. It is reflecting the backsplash in the picture. We installed the Ikea cabinets, sink, and appliances in last summer.

Dad also boxed in our basement poles in a way that is architecturally pleasing and added an outlet to one of them.  Now the place is looking much more finished and less like a basement.

Ken needs to finish the caulking where the tile meets the countertop and cabinets (black on the bottom and sides, white on the top) and I still have one more coat of paint to apply to the pole boxes. Then it's on to the next project. I wonder what we will choose to do. Perhaps a new shower and tankless water heater for our master bath? We have a pre-teen girl using all the hot water for morning showers and, even more importantly, our shower is leaking and threatening our beautiful basement. Hmmm, that project seems like a likely candidate for significant impact.


  1. Sending vibes to Beth. Also congrats to the renovation team....great looking backsplash and basement renovations. Sounds like the bathroom may be in the sights for "family renovation"....maybe a new reality TV show : - ). I suppose the whole time everyone was fueling on Girl Scout cookies! Oh....and not to be outdone, you were still out there running....maybe the Spring weather will be kind to your back, Kelly. Thanks for the update.

  2. Great kitchen! I'll post tomorrow, all went well, sore and tired, but NOTHING like last time.
