Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ran yesterday

I ran yesterday but didn't get logged in to the blog to do a post.  I was at RPAC while the kids were swimming and it was so nice out that I decided to run outside even though I forgot my Garmin.  I know . . . how sad is that?  My first thought was that I would have to run inside because I didn't have the Garmin.  Then I thought how silly that was.  Who cares how far I run?  It's not like it's a training run, just maintenance.  And even if it was a training run, I could estimate speed and measure time. 

So I ran 35 minutes (I had my ironman watch) and I'd guess I was running about a 10:15 pace or so overall because I did the run 3 minutes and walk 1 minute routine.  I ran around the stadium over and over again.  I'm not sure why I did that.  I intended to do a lap around the stadium and then head on out into the rest of campus, but I got stuck in the lap rut.  I guess my mind was occupied because I was catching up on Steverunner podcast episodes (Intervals and Phedippidations).  I've been running with music sometimes lately and have gotten behind on what's going on in Oxford, MA. 

I took the kids to swimming today too, but I couldn't workout during that time today.  I had to officiate a mock swim meet for the younger swimmers on our team.  I was impressed with the group.  Even though it is pre-season and many of the young swimmers are inexperienced, they did a very good job overall.  We didn't have nearly as many disqualifications as in the summer league or even as in the official B meets early in the season.  Go OSU Swim Club!

My lymphedema hasn't changed much.  The back of my hand is still swelling, along with my knuckles and middle finger.  I think the palm of my hand is getting into the game too.  I've been wearing a glove or wrap almost all the time except in the shower and when preparing food or washing my hands.  And the swelling doesn't seem to react to anything in particular like exercise or eating habits or sleep or wearing the custom vs. cotton glove vs. wrap.  I can't find anything that consistently makes the swelling better or worse.  I got a wide Velcro support for around my wrist since the glove is too big there, but that hasn't made a noticeable difference either, regardless of how tight or lose I make it.  I know I need another appointment with the PT.  I'm just discouraged with it all.  The appointments don't seem to be make a difference either.

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