Monday, October 25, 2010

Geeky old lady in the weight room

I thought I was coming home after work today, but right before running out the door this morning I decided to pack my gym bag, just in case.  Then it turned out that Jason had lots of homework so Ken took him home from swimming early and I waited at RPAC for Val. 

Since I was at RPAC anyway, I decided to do a weight-training workout.  In my gym bag I found my compression shorts but no shorts to go over them.  I also found the above-the-ankles socks instead of the shorter ones.  Great.  Oh well, I decided I wouldn't be a slave to fashion (or embarrassment), so I went to work out anyway.  I wore my longest compression shorts (almost to my knees), a short-ish OSU v-neck tshirt, above-the-ankle socks folded down, weight lifting gloves, my Ironman watch (I thought I might run afterward), and my running shoes.  I laughed as I walked into RPAC knowing I'd be "that geeky old lady in the weight room." 

To match my geeky outfit, I decided to listen to the Wicked soundtrack on my Blackberry during the workout.  I did all upper-body work, including several (5 or 6) sets of 10 benching the bar (45 lbs).  I also did lots of curls, some triceps, obliques, and smaller arm muscles.  As I was finishing up, Dan, one of my staff members, came over and said hi.  He had seen me at the bench press.  Great.  Dan is 20-something and very strong, athletic, and active.  So now I'm the geeky old boss lady in the weight room.  I was quick to tell Dan that I used to bench 105lbs but since they cut both pecs in half, I've just started benching the bar.  He was great and said "Well, hey, you have to start again somewhere."   You are so right, Dan.  Thanks for being genuinely supportive.

Aside from my attire in the weight room, the "funny" for the day was Val's conversation with a friend.  Her friend asked what Val's favorite subject was in school.  Val said she liked Language Arts/English the best. Then she qualified that statement with "well, except I don't like the words."


  1. I didn't think you looked geeky or old!
    I started with the bar too. Oh, and I wouldn't call myself "very" strong... I was only doing 155 that day, and Corey can do more than double that.
    Another piece of the story I didn't tell you... I told my lifting buddy "that's my boss", and he said "she looks like she could kick your ... "

  2. Dan sounds like a great guy. See, you did not look geeky, his friend even said you are tough cookies. Go getem' weight training, swimming, running woman.
